Since 2008, we have . . .
Provided access to healthcare for almost 20,000 uninsured patients over nearly 50,000 visits during the last 15 years of operations.
These patients are 85% Spanish speaking, 100% uninsured, and 85% live below 30% of the area median income.
Raised nearly $3M in support of our work from local donors, local corporations, and in contracted work for the RI Department of Health
Engaged more than 100 volunteer providers in the altruistic work of providing healthcare for the uninsured in RI
Provided staff members with healthcare benefits and a path to promotion within our organization. For some of our staff members, their job at CEHC has been their first and only job after graduating from high school, community college, or nursing school!
Engaged more than 1,000 non-provider volunteers in supporting the clinical work as front desk volunteers, intake volunteers, or other volunteers.
Trained more than 160 community members for healthcare jobs including medical assistants, community healthcare workers.
Served as a training site for local advanced healthcare professional schools as well as nursing programs.
Developed novel interventions such as Vida Sana, a lifestyle change program for low health literacy, Spanish-speaking adults and CHEER clinic, a walk-in clinic that reduces Emergency Room visits by the uninsured by over 60%.
Published over a dozen papers on our novel interventions in high quality medical journals, with medical and pharmacy or premed student co-authorship
Supported the career development of community leaders by developing the Advanced Navegante Training program - over 150 graduates (and counting!)
Assisted more than 5,000 patients with routine cancer screens (for colon, prostate, breast, cervical cancer)
Provided more than 30,000 vaccinations to reduce the incidence of COVID-19, flu, and pneumonia in our community
Won awards for “Volunteer Engagement” and “Best Non Profit” from local organizations.
Performed over 7,000 COVID-19 tests since the onset of the pandemic in 2020
Administered nearly 20,000 COVID-19 vaccines to our patients and Providence community members
Provided almost 1,000 courses of Paxlovid to COVID-19 positive individuals​
Our clinic has a measurable impact . . .
We rigorously document the impact of our healthcare innovations and interventions, and we measure the return on funding investment.
The CHEER walk-in clinic provides an estimated $69 per dollar invested in terms of “QALY” (Quality adjusted life years, a standardized measure of healthcare impact). The CHEER clinic also saves RI nearly $500,000 in ER costs per year.
The overarching program called “Bridging the [Health Equity] Gap” has enrolled 1,500 individuals in our ‘partnership’ since 2016 and, with their permission, we are tracking the impact of our clinic on their health. The first results of this intervention were published in the local RI Journal of Medicine, Nov 2018.
The BTG program is in its 3rd year, and we hope to turn this into a “Pay for Success” Project - an innovative, sustainable source of funding for non-profits.
Our Vida Sana program returns health dividends! Enrolled patients improve their health metrics.